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A Natural Garden

Button bush and ironweed in a natural garden in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Button bush and ironweed in a natural setting (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

Do you have a spot on your property that’s sort of “Blah”? Perhaps it’s a little wet or in a difficult place to mow, so it always tends to look messy and unkempt. Or, you may simply have an area that you would like to turn back over to nature, creating a place that you don’t have to spend much time tending but will look attractive and invite lots of birds, bees and butterflies. Over the years, I have slowly returned portions of my landscape to the wild, which has resulted in some of the most beautiful (and frequently visited) areas of my property.

Bumble bees dine on a button bush blossom in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Bumble bees dine on a button bush blossom (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

Initially it was hard for someone with my neat-freak tendencies to allow portions of my manicured lawns to revert back to their original footloose and fancy free state. By starting small and adding a few native shrubs and plants, the process became more palatable for me. As I watched the transformation from compact and trimmed to loose and flowing, I found out something important about myself as well: that I could “Let go” and allow the natural process of things to take over. And, much to my surprise, things evolved quite wonderfully without much intervention (from me) at all.

Native cornus and button bush create a streamside hedge in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Native cornus and button bush create a stream side hedge (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

That’s not to say you won’t need to get into your newly liberated area and weed out a few undesirables (such as garlic mustard and bittersweet vine) that will certainly want to mingle with your new plantings, because a little effort on your part will reward you in spades later on. Usually, I tackle the unwanted trespassers early in the spring before they get a chance to really take hold. I know it may be hard to recognize the good guys from the bad guys this early on, but try your best. Many non-native weeds will already be quite prolific, which helps to distinguish them from the native plants that will be more cautious before sending up their delicate tendrils to be zapped by Jack Frost. By removing the many villains as soon as possible, you allow the desired plantings to thrive without competing for sun, water and nutrients.

The indigo fruit of native dogwood in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

The indigo fruit of native dogwood (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

Some native shrubs and perennials can spread quickly, so depending on the size of the allocated space, you’ll need to decide what you ultimately would like the outcome to be. For example, if you have a spot that backs up to a dense forest, you may want to utilize native shrubs such as mountain laurel or spreading cornus specimens, and some perennials like fern, woodland phlox and aster. These shrubs will create a lovely transition to the woodland, while the plants will offer color and texture variations through the seasons.

Native cranberry with Joe pye weed in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Native cranberry with Joe pye weed (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

For a more open area or wet spot, again space permitting, a wide variety of shrubs and plants would love to park themselves in your back yard. My favorite native shrubs for sunny (to part shade) and wet to dry soil conditions are button bush (Cephalanthus occidentalis), red chokeberry (Aronia arbutifolia ‘Brilliantissima’), silky dogwood (Cornus amomum), spice bush (Lindera benzoin), American cranberry (Viburnum trilobum) and native pussy willow (Salix discolor). You can pair these shrubs with some bold native perennials such as milkweed (Asclepias), aster (aster sp.), goldenrod (Solidago), Joe pye weed (Eupatorium maculatum) and ironweed (Vernonia noveboracensis). Many of these shrubs (especially silky dogwood) will spread extensively if allowed (easily kept within bounds by mowing) and some will grow over eight feet tall (many can be pruned to keep smaller), which makes them perfect companions for the tall milkweed, aster, ironweed and goldenrod.

A bee and butterfly snack on milkweed in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

A bee and butterfly snack on milkweed (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

Most of the shrubs and plants I have mentioned offer multiple benefits; from flowers and berries to delectable fall foliage. All are low maintenance, requiring minimal care once established. And most importantly, once you create this inviting habitat, all sorts of likeable critters will flock to your space and make it their own. Imagine bees humming nearby, butterflies gliding on the breeze and birds raising their young right outside your door. You’ll be doing more than creating a small native garden, you’ll be creating a mini-paradise in your backyard ♥

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Winter Bones

Weeping katsura, hemlock and grasses in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Weeping katsura, hemlock and grasses provide a variety of forms and colors (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

For those of us enduring long periods of dormancy in our seasonal landscapes, winter bones help to keep our outdoor environments lively and inviting.  Structures popping out of the snow and forms drizzled in frost create artistic objects that we may gaze upon and enjoy during the coldest days.  For no matter the season, and even without the benefit of green adornments, our gardens can be incredibly beautiful and interesting with the simple addition of living framework.  Andrew Wyeth said it best: “I prefer winter and fall, when you can feel the bone structure in the landscape-something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn’t show.” 

River Birch blends nicely in the winter landscape in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

River Birch brightens the winter landscape (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

Indeed, the exposed trees and shrubs of the winter landscape appear as skeletons, yet they need not be scary; instead offering an aura of mystery, while alluding to the future promise of spring.  As gardeners and  caretakers of our plots, we can take advantage of the opportunity during these quiet months; to re-evaluate our designs and consider areas that may be enhanced with the addition of either a deciduous or evergreen planting.  It is when our landscape is in its most serene state that we may truly view the potential for improvement; the optimal blank palette so to speak.

Weeping larch with mixed evergreens in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Weeping larch with mixed evergreens (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

And creating a timeless landscape isn’t as daunting as it might seem; once you determine the sun exposure and zone hardiness for your garden, and then choose features you want to incorporate into your design (interesting bark, unusual trunk form, evergreen foliage color, to name a few). You will be pleasantly surprised to discover the many options available to you.  Here are a few of my favorite winter forms to help you on your way:


Dawn Redwood's mahogany bark stands out against the snowy background in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Dawn Redwood’s mahogany bark stands out against a snowy background (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides): Considered a living fossil, metasequoia was once one of the most widespread tree species in the Northern hemisphere.  What I love about Metasequoia glyptostroboides is its unusual, rippled mahogany trunk and peeling bark, especially attractive in winter.  Its upright form and unusual branching habit provides a comfortable perch for birds, and the soft deciduous needles turn gold in the fall before dropping.  As it matures, the roots come up from the ground like prehistoric serpents swimming around the base. It is hard to find a good specimen, so take the time to find one with a conical, well branched form and you will be amply rewarded for your efforts.  Dawn Redwood will easily grow 30 feet or more in your lifetime, eventually reaching over 100 feet tall by 20 feet wide in sunny zones 5-8.


River birch's ornate peeling bark in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

River birch’s ornate peeling bark (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

River Birch (Betula nigra): Is a recent introduction to my garden, one that I’ve quickly fallen in love with.  While other star struck lovers are dreaming of their beloved, (or perhaps a box of chocolates), I’m besotted with a tree!  But not just any tree can sweep me off my feet, enchanting me with its ravishing exterior . . .  Betula nigra, an Eastern U.S. native in zones 4-9,  subtly compliments any landscape from spring through fall with its delicate, fluttering foliage, while absolutely igniting the winter scene with captivating ornamental scrolls of bronze, gently peeling away from its ivory trunk (this display is particularly dramatic on trees with multiple trunks).  Preferring moist soil, but tolerant of dryer conditions (even drought-once established), river birch is another fast grower, tripling its size in three years, with the potential of reaching 70 feet tall by 40 feet wide.


Frosty buds of Magnolia Stellata in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Frosty buds of Magnolia Stellata (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

Star Magnolia (Magnolia stellata): One of the first trees introduced to our landscape, stellata was discovered in its dormant state while wedged between other trees at a local nursery.  I was immediately intrigued by the wrinkled grey trunk, reminiscent of an elephant’s skin, and limbs glowing with almost walnut sized frosty grey buds. It has a rounded, open form, but remains a bit more petite for smaller gardens, topping out around 20 feet tall by 15 feet wide.  Hardy to zones 4-8, it prefers some moisture in the soil and should be mulched or watered during long drought periods.  In addition to the smoky winter interest, this lady also produces one of the most dramatic (and fragrant) flower displays you could experience in a zone 5 April garden, followed by lush tropical green leaves through summer.


Red & yellow twig dogwood stems dazzle in the winter garden in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Red & yellow twig dogwood stems dazzle in the winter garden (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

Twig Dogwood (Cornus sericea): With stems of the brightest cardinal red to the boldest canary yellow, twig dogwoods have become one of the most popular shrubs for adding winter color to the landscape.  Twig dogwoods tolerate a variety of conditions, making them extremely versatile for garden plantings. Although they love moister soils and lots of sun, they will accept dry spells and partial shade, growing to 8 feet tall and wide (pruning recommended) in zones 3-8. During the spring and summer months these gems fill out with lush green or variegated leaves (cornus alba ‘Elegantissima’), in a dense shrub form that melds nicely with any landscape style.  In addition to the dazzling winter display, a majority of cornus cultivars also produce white flowers in summer, followed in fall by blue or white berries that are quickly gobbled up by our feathered friends.

So, start collecting pictures of shrubs and trees in the plant catalogs coming to you (*and check out some of the trees and shrubs I’ve written about in prior posts, too).  Now is the perfect time to reassess your surroundings and think about a tree or shrub that will amplify your existing view.  Choose one (or more!) whose form will not only re-ignite your appreciation for the landscape during all seasons, but will leave you feeling more and more thrilled as it matures with each passing year.

The post Winter Bones appeared first on A Garden for All.

The Selection Process

A young Pin Oak's ample canopy in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

A young Pin Oak’s ample canopy (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

With the landscape in hibernation mode, there’s no time like the present to view your blank palette and think about ways to kick it up a notch.  In a recent article, Winter Bones, I shared some of my favorite trees and shrubs for long season interest.  But there is another consideration when it comes to selecting a tree for your property, one that requires a little more thought and research.  In this case, size does matter, and surprisingly even the most knowledgeable gardeners (myself included) often neglect to determine exactly how big a tree might become over time.  If you observe landscapes as you drive around, I’m sure you’ve witnessed dozens of trees planted too close to a residence or under power lines, resulting in unnecessary tree massacres.  But it doesn’t have to be this way . . .

A birches form adds interest to a shrub border in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Bright birch limbs add interest to a shrub border (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

Lots of plant catalogs are filling our mailboxes now, so the timing is right to look at potential additions to our yard, while having the opportunity to review their many visual options; leaf color, flowering, bark and form.  Then, take it a step further and carefully scrutinize the capacity for height, width, and growth rate.  Instead of making an impulsive purchase based on the seductive appearance of a tree specimen, we can confidently stroll into a nursery with a list of candidates that will fill the position without overflowing the boundaries.  Here’s a few of the elements I consider before introducing a new form to the landscape:

  • Are there now, or will there be any facilities in or near where I want to plant this tree?  For example, power and utility lines (both above or below ground), septic pipes or access points, property lines and nearness to foundations.  Trees too close to a septic or foundation may cause damage from intrusive root systems.  If any service needs to be done to septic or utility lines, your tree’s roots (or the tree itself) may be compromised.
  • Am I providing enough room around the tree so that it may grow freely, having access to the proper amount of sunlight and airflow?  Can I move around the tree easily (as it grows) to mulch and prune if necessary?  As the tree grows will it shade out an area (such as a pool or patio) where I will want sun exposure?
  • If using a foundation planting, will it block access to a window or doorway over time? Can it be pruned to keep a formal shape if I desire?  If evergreen, does the color compliment my home?  If deciduous,  does it have an interesting form through the winter months?
A mix of evergreens provide seasonal color for foundation in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

A mix of evergreens provide seasonal color for foundation plantings (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

Once you have answered these questions, and narrowed down the criteria, it’s time to plan for the new addition.  When I have a blank spot to fill in an area such as a garden or near the foundation, I like to look at the surrounding plantings and consider how this new tree or shrub can add more interest to the composition.  It could be something as simple as a leaf size or flower, or something more specific, such as a form that is rounded versus a random, more informal shape.  When I have a garden filled with perennials and deciduous shrubs, I might want to incorporate some evergreen foliage.  In a setting with lots of evergreens, I might want to consider an interesting deciduous architecture or something with colorful bark.  Again, the ultimate size of your new shrub or tree must be at the forefront of your plan.

A properly placed sweetgum doesn't block view in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

A properly sited sweetgum doesn’t block pastoral view (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

When I want to add a tree to the open landscape, I like to examine the terrain from many angles, and especially from the points I feel it will be most frequently viewed from.  When I chose a site for my sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), I knew it could grow to 70 feet tall and 30 feet wide.  I wanted to be sure that it was balanced in the landscape (not too close to anything else) and would not block my favorite view from the deck out to my horses pasture.  In another example, I planted a pin oak in our open back yard to provide some privacy from a new development.  The Quercus palustris, a native shade tree tolerant of moist soils that grows to 70 feet tall and almost as wide, has already grown almost 20 feet tall in 8 years.

Use dwarf & low growing shrubs for open views in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Use dwarf trees & low growing shrubs to maintain open views (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

For deciduous trees that won’t become too outrageous in size, consider stewartia, magnolia or Japanese maples.  Massive deciduous trees such as sugar maple and sycamore are traditional New England plantings for big open spaces.  Willows and birches are fast growers that won’t completely smother out the sun, and some can be pruned to keep smaller.  Evergreens run the gamut, from tall and narrow to short and wide spread.  Because evergreens are difficult to keep pruned and may quickly outgrow an area (I learned this the hard way), select dwarf varieties or plan on having to remove them once they outgrow an area.  But most importantly, have fun and enjoy the process!

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Fences separate gardens from walkways in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Fences separate gardens from walkways (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

It is often said that fences make good neighbors, yet fences offer much more than a friendly barrier between adjoining properties.  A lot more.  A fence can add another dimension to an existing garden bed.  A fence can create multiple rooms within a property.  A fence can add a dramatic backdrop or entryway.  A fence can separate a public area from a private one.  A fence can be practical or ornamental.  And, a fence can certainly be used to obstruct the view of prying eyes as well.

A fence divides property from a busy roadway in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

A fence divides property from a busy roadway (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

I consider myself somewhat of an expert on fences, having installed, maintained and replaced hundreds of feet (with the help of my dedicated, willing and able spouse) over the last few decades.  Because we have over 1,300 feet of road frontage, and a small herd of animals, fences were a necessity the moment we moved into our country home.  That, and we live close to a busy road, so having a fence gave us a feeling of separation from the hazardous traffic.  Although we chose a low, open fence to invite sunshine and observation alike, the fence in front of our home remains esthetically appealing both to our bordering gardens and the home itself.

A fence's design can enhance its surroundings in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

A fence’s design can enhance its surroundings (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

There are many things to consider when choosing a fence, but before you start looking at designs and styles, you’ll need to determine if you’re a “Do it yourselfer” or if you’ll be needing someone to install the fence for you.  Depending on the span, the cost of installation could far exceed the cost of the materials, which is why we have always opted to perform our own labor.  I won’t get into technicalities here, suffice to say if you can use a posthole digger, know how to run a string, use a level and can carry a bag of cement, you may be a candidate for self installation.  If your head is whirling with the info I’ve given, plan on hiring someone to install your fence.

A clear delineation between garden and parking area in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

This fence provides a clear delineation between garden and parking area (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

Once you’ve determined who will be installing, you can start looking at various types of fences; from formal wrought iron to rustic split rail.  To decide which product will best work for you, consider your home’s style as well as the surrounding environment.  This is also the time to determine the ultimate purpose of the fence, if other than for aesthetics. For example, if you have a small cape in a country setting, perhaps a picket fence would look charming.  If you have a larger colonial in a development, you may want to consider neighboring fences and determine which styles would blend the best.  If your home is a rustic log cabin, a split rail may be the perfect accompaniment to the landscape.  However, if privacy is your ultimate goal, you’ll need to look at stockade or slatted types of concealment.

Fences help to keep your animals safe in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Fences help to keep little Endora safe (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

Hand in hand with style are height considerations, and you’ll want to take the time to be sure you’re choosing accurately.  If you’ve ever driven by a small home overwhelmed by a massively tall barrier, you’ll understand the height concept.  Depending on the depth from the home to the fence line, if you go too tall with a smaller home, it will look out of proportion, and the same goes for using too short of a fence for a sizable house.  Generally speaking, a fence around 4′ tall should offer good balance for the average sized home.  However, if you need a fence to keep something in (or out), such as around a pool, you may have to go substantially higher.  The same case holds for keeping animals within, as many dogs, horses and other pets may be capable of jumping over a lower fence line.

Mother Nature's intervention caused change in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Mother Nature’s intervention created change (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

Although I’m the first to admit that looks often override practicality, learn from my mistakes and decide just how much work you want to have when it comes to maintaining your new fence.  I say this with the full understanding of the monotonous, painstaking process that went into painting dozens of sections of cedar picket fence (hey, we were young . . . and obviously hadn’t remembered reading Tom Sawyer, or we would have enlisted the help of friends).  Needless to say, once you’ve painted, you’ll have to wash and repaint every two years at a minimum to keep things looking nice.  As luck would have it, a hurricane blew in a few years ago, and with the help of two enormous locusts, proceeded to flatten a long procession of our picket fence.  We took this brush with nature as an opportunity for change, and replaced it with a painted stainless steel fence, which is far easier to maintain (although I’ll admit, not nearly as beautiful as the cedar fence was).

A split rail fence works well for livestock in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

A split rail fence works well for livestock (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

Our horse pasture was unceremoniously fenced with wire and multiflora rose when we moved in, but as the years went by, it became more rose and less fence.  And it looked really crummy.  For some time we had refrained from replacing the fence because we thought we would have to install another high maintenance, white painted product.  However, because there is a good distance between the white picket fence and the pasture, we were able to transition to split rail; which offered little to no maintenance, provided the height we needed and kept the pastoral effect.  Our neighbors also have split rail around their property, so we compliment each other.  In addition, the split rail is easy to weed-whack around, and the rails are close enough to keep our dogs from getting out (although other dogs do squeeze in for an occasional visit).

Roses and fences go together in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Roses and fences go together like peanut butter and jelly (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

As technology has evolved, so has fencing, and I have only touched on a few of the choices presently available in the market today.  Take the time to consider each aspect of having a fence on your property; how it could enhance your yard, protect your children and animals and offer structure and beauty as well.

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The Variegation Sensation

Knautia 'Thunder & Lightening' in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Knautia ‘Thunder & Lightening’ (photo credit: Kathy Diemer)

It may not be time to plant yet, but it is the opportune time to start planning.  Are there a few bare spots you’re looking to fill?  Maybe an area that needs a little revamping? Or, perhaps there was a mole/vole party that has created a new vacancy. You can finally start perusing through those piles of plant catalogs with a vengeance, and compile your lists.  You know, the list categorized by the “must haves”, the “wish I could have” and the “if I win the lottery, I can have.” I always have at least a few dreamy wish plants and lottery picks, just in case of a windfall.  In the meantime, let’s narrow down your “must haves” to include some spicy foliaged specimens.

Caryopteris 'Snow Fairy' with Eupatorium 'Chocolate' in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Caryopteris ‘Snow Fairy’ with Eupatorium ‘Chocolate’ (photo credit: Kathy Diemer)

Now that you’re thinking about your garden, (and after reviewing last year’s garden pix), you’re open and receptive to ideas and inspiration for livening up the format.  Realizing that most times it’s the plant’s vegetation carrying the responsibility of a colorful and balanced scene; you quickly understand that the choices you make for selection and placement will determine how exciting your garden will look through the seasons.  I always incorporate dark burgundy and vibrant chartreuse foliaged plants and shrubs throughout the gardens, but my favorite eye-catching plants are the ones with variegation.  Mottled, edged, streaked or splashed-those cheerful multi-colored leaves create a spot light in any area they’re planted, which is why variegated foliage is a big part of my design concept.

Phlox 'Norah Leigh' with Cotinus in A Garden For All by Kathy diemer http://agardenforall.com

Phlox ‘Norah Leigh’ with Cotinus (photo credit: Kathy Diemer) http://agardenforall.com

For plants, variegation runs the gamut from shade loving groundcovers to sun worshipping giants.  The shade darling, Lamium maculatum ‘White Nancy,’ has stunning silver highlights that literally glow in the dark (plant along a shady pathway, and forget the night lights), while its cousin ‘Anne Greenway’s’ golden accents brighten the shadiest understory.  Hostas are brimming with opportunities; ‘Fire & Ice’ is a fragrant beauty with leaves splashed in vibrant white, and the larger ‘Great Expectations’ will fulfill yours with its three foot diameter of golden highlights.  For the sunnier spots, I adore Knautia ‘Thunder & Lightening’, which has lush frosty foliage and dazzling raspberry flowers hovering above.  The taller, sweetly scented Phlox paniculata ‘Norah Leigh’ will woo you with her fragrant pink blooms and creamy foliage, and she’s simply stunning parked next to a dark leaved gentleman like Cotinus coggygria (smoke bush).

Euonymus 'Variegatus' in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Euonymus ‘Variegatus’ (photo credit: Kathy Diemer)

Euonymus ‘Variegatus’ and friends are perfect for part shade or sunny settings, and stay evergreen through the winter with mild protection.  Surround them with other plants and shrubs and they will shine enthusiastically all year long.  Euonymus come in mounding shapes (easily pruned to maintain) or trailing forms, which work wonderfully for climbing walls or trailing down inclines.  The deer don’t like them either.  And, speaking of deer resistance, I grow a delightfully showy deciduous shrub with the brightest white variegation on tiny leaves-but boy is this thing stinky.  Yes, Caryopteris ‘Snow Fairy’ will die down in winter, but bounds back faithfully year after year in a mass of frothy ivory foliage.  Beautiful when paired with a darker leaved companion (like Eupatorium ‘Chocolate’), which only assists in showing off the bright display.

Liquidambar styraciflua 'Variegata' in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Variegata’ (photo credit: Kathy Diemer)

Variegation works well with trees, such as sweetgum, Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Variegata’, a relatively new introduction to my landscape.  Purchased from Broken Arrow Nursery in early April a few years back, it wasn’t even leafed out at the time.  Intrigued by the description: “An eye-catching cultivar with unique yellow streaked and spotted foliage.  Show stopping pink and scarlet, two-toned fall color completes the package.” I was unable to resist, and am quite happy that I didn’t.  Perhaps you’ll consider adding a few variegated members to your plant palette this year as well . . . Have fun!

The post The Variegation Sensation appeared first on A Garden for All.

Creating Your Special Garden

First Garden in 2005 in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer https://agardenforall.com

The first garden in 2005 (Photo by: Kathy Diemer)

There is something special about a garden created by its owner, the passion and love are planted in the soil along with each plant. It’s the sweat equity factor. When a person decides to dig up a spot of land and plant something solely for the purpose of creating beauty, it is the selfless act of love paired with a desire to share and learn that truly speaks to my heart.

When we moved to our country property almost 30 years ago, we had a yard of over 2 acres surrounded by open cow pastures. Other than some multiflora rose and piles of old tires and tractor parts from its former farming years, I had an open palette to work with. I dug in within months.  

Planting herbs in the garden in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

The first garden in 2015 (photo by: Kathy Diemer)

Although the house (circa 1940) needed a lot of work and updates, which my husband and I did over the years, it was the yard that called to me, offering a place to start anew, reflect, design, create and fall in love with the land and its surroundings. And I did.

It might be hard to believe when you visit my gardens now, but I started simply – by digging up one section in the back yard along the stream. I gravitated to this spot behind our home, it was secluded with a view of the meadows and bountiful wildlife. Where better to create my first garden sanctuary? And when I say dug, I mean by hand, pulling out deep rooted weeds and swamp grass that took patience and perseverance to completely remove the tangled web of roots. But, determination paid off and I finally had a spot to start creating.

New garden created in 2007 in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer https://agardenforall.com

A new garden created in 2007 (Photo by: Kathy Diemer)

Yet, even as I dug and before I even started to plant, I was learning. Like the curious pheasant that wandered across the field to observe my endeavors, I learned that nature was all around me, anxious to greet me and share its wealth of knowledge. I realized that digging in the dirt wasn’t simply a task that led to an accomplishment, rather the act of digging was an important part of the journey.

The same garden only 5 years later in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer https://agardenforall.com

The same garden only 5 years later (Photo by: Kathy Diemer)

That first garden taught me much of what I learned, from designing to attract nature and using native plants, to considering bloom times and incorporating shrubs to provide contrast and interest, especially in the winter months. Learning through experiments, observation and trial-and-error turned out to be the best teacher I could ever have had.

In the challenging and exhilarating process of searching for and discovering plants to accomplish my various objectives, I pored over hundreds of gardening books and dozens of plant and bulb retail magazines. I attended garden talks and symposiums. I visited every public garden within driving range, and when invited to a friend’s garden, I followed them around taking in every bit of information they were willing to share. I noted their favorite plants and the ones that performed best and worst. But, if they had a plant that I loved, even if it was purported to be a ‘trouble maker,’ indeed I had to try it for myself! Part of what makes gardening fun and rewarding is trying new things – experimenting – because when you’re successful, you’re over the moon!


A Lawn Garden installed in 2006 in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer https://agardenforall.com

A Lawn Garden installed in 2006 (Photo by: Kathy Diemer)

Through the years I have carved out more and more spots for gardens. I have spent countless hours researching plants, trees and shrubs that would provide seasons of interest without too much maintenance. The latter is most important as I am still the only person maintaining my gardens and need to be smart with my time. I discovered that plants, trees and shrubs with interesting foliage, whether it be color, variegation or simply shape, to trees with attractive bark or hunky architecture and shrubs with fall foliage, berries and fragrant blooms, were relevant to creating a garden that is engaging all year long. You can read the hundreds of posts I’ve written about beautiful plants and stunning design to help you fulfill your goals (and I hope you will), but I can’t stress how inspirational it is to also go out and discover your own favorite plants by visiting local gardens and retail garden centers.

Cotoneaster Tom Thumb's Fall Color in A Garden For All by Kathy Diemer http://agardenforall.com

Lawn garden in fall of 2015 (photo credit: Kathy Diemer)

My best advice is to never allow yourself to become discouraged in this process, and don’t compare your gardens to those of others. Remember the reasons you chose to create your own space, personalized to your tastes. It will never be like anyone else’s, nor should it be!

Just as my gardens are a reflection of my taste and desire to harmonize my property with the surrounding landscape, your garden(s) may be something quite different. Bold colors, statuary, water features, wild meadows, spectacular patio or roof gardens, or a few simple containers on a porch – the choices are limitless, but they are your choices. Whatever you decide, it is your garden, your space to unwind, reflect and enjoy. And it will always be special because it is uniquely yours♥

The post Creating Your Special Garden appeared first on A Garden for All.

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